Friday, October 13, 2006

Day 28 - Broadcast Clipboard

This is a simple little app that monitors your clipboard, sends the contents (text only today, sorry - someone will mod it) via UDP multicast to the specified group multicast IP, and puts the data in the remote PCs clipboard. In summary, when you copy from one pc, you can paste on the other. It works great - and I know plenty of people who will use this at the office.

There are other apps like this, but they tend to be point to point instead of multicasting. The point to point apps whine when one client or the other go down, and take extra configuration. Plus, this one is good for any number of PCs.

The only issue I've had with it is that my WIFI router, and Daemon's, seems to not send UDP multicast packets over the waves to clients. The other direction works, the wireless NIC in the pc does send the packets, and they get to the router and broadcast. Thus a machine on WIFI seems to be able to send the clipboard, but not receive. I'm unclear on whether this is per spec, or just a "feature" of our routers.

No special key combos are needed to use the app - it monitors the existing keyboard and broadcasts it. Double click the systray icon and you can set the group IP, the port, and the TTL. If you don't know what these mean, tinker only with the port to separate yourself from other clients on your network.

No configuration is needed unless you want to seperate yourself on your LAN from others that may be running this. Just start it on both PCs, and it takes over from there!

Download the app here
Download the source here

May the source be with you


At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the app. Im gonna use it on all of my servers. man you are an excellent coder.

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea, unfortunatly it does not work for me on either of my XP Pro machines.

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Ken said...

great concept! i'd use it on my 3 ws at work but because of the way QuickMacros uses the clipboard, there are things in there that i don't want passed around. 80)
i've enjoyed your other projects very much as well.

At 5:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea!

One little feature request: Is it possible to make an enable/disable hotkey - so that you can have it disabled most of the time, and just turn it on when you need to? After all, it's not always you want your clippings distributed to the other members - and not always you want to receive others.

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its called "synergy2" not only does it do network clipboard its a netowrk KVM.

might as well spent 30 days writting "hello world" apps in 30 different languages...

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great, I was just thinking last night that I would love to have an app that did this. If you are taking feature requests, any chance of getting it to work on Linux?

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the best thing you've ever written...Thank you so much!

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

doesn't work :(((

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neat little tool. I keep having to use WTS and the RDPCLIP service but so much nicer to not have to resort to WTS.

FYI, multicast is not mandatory in IP4 so some routers may not have it implemented. There are 3 levels of support for multicast. L0 is no support, L1 is tranmit only and L3 is full multicast. IP6 has it as mandatory.

At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A wonderful effort, I shall try it on my Win XP Pro machine and find out whether it works smoothly. It appears you are a very efficient programmer. A proposal - would you please try to create a school management program

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is.. if you forget about it, and copy some nasty text/funky e-mails for pasting into your own text editor, and at the same time someone else is working on another computer, they just hit PASTE.. they will get whatever you had in clipboard.. :) hmmm not so funny, then! (unless you can add "Local Copy" or "Copy -No Broadcast" function)

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Seperate' is correctly spelt 'separate', even in the USofA.

It IS 'desperate'.


At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its called "synergy2" not only does it do network clipboard its a netowrk KVM.

might as well spent 30 days writting "hello world" apps in 30 different languages...

Well done, unix wanker! Flying the flag for twats on the internet, because there just aren't enough already...

"netowrk" KVM, now that sounds 1337.


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