Day 25 - Jedi Honey Pot
Stick your hands into my honey pot by clicking here. What you'll see is a google map of the world, and everyone else who has stuck their hands into my honey pot.
How's it work? A simple .NET 2.0 client application resides on my machine which receives the HTTP connection, records your IP, and serves you a google map page along with the location of everyone else who has requested the page. The data is NOT persisted between application executions - so if I turn off my laptop, no more honey pot.
To run this application on your own computer, you'll need:
- A static IP, or DNS name ( or are good for this)
- A Google API key (get it here)
- To edit the HTM file included with the application to have your google API key.
- To port forward port 15632 to your machine (sorry hard-coded, late night!)
- To execute the application on your machine
- To invite people to visit http://[your IP or DNS]:15632/
To shut down your honey pot, just right click the systray icon (blue target with yellow center) and choose Exit.
View my honey pot here (same as honey pot link above)
Download the binaries to run your own honey pot here
Download the source here
See that button on the right that says "PayPal..."? It's a neat little button/graphic, eh? Ever wonder what happens if you click it? Me too.
Download Chris's modded version here (don't blame me)
I added a configuration window to change the Port while the program is running.
I also added in an "Admin" page that will list the IP's of anyone
hitting your honey pot inside a message balloon, modify the
"AnAppADay.JediHoneyPot.AdminPage.htm" to change how it looks.
There is also an option to set the location of the admin page,
"http://site:port/adminpage/", I'd recommend it be changed to
something unique so that only the owner can see the admin page, that
too is able to be changed while the program is running.
Both text boxes in the configuration window have tooltips.
I added a tool tip to the Notify Icon, now it shows "Total hits: 12 -
Unique hits: 8" on mouse-over, just a simple count of how many hits
the honey pot has gotten so far.
I'm kinda worried that we're running out of days :)
I can't connect to the honey pot.
Donation sent ...
Thanks for the apps ...
Nick :o)
"See that button on the right that says "PayPal..."? It's a neat little button/graphic, eh? Ever wonder what happens if you click it? Me too."
Sadly, I am too lazy to find out. Let me know what you find.
Honey Pot is back up. It mysteriously died last night I guess.
It's dead again. :)
Wow, according to google maps I am posting from the middle of a parking lot.
is there anyway to enable the mouse wheel like in normal Google maps?
how do i compile the mod?
Open it in Visual Studio 2005, then click on the "Build" menu and click "Build Solution", or hit F6.
If you don't have Visual Studio 2005, you can get the Express edition free.
cool thanks
honey pot is back down. then again you couldent really expect him to run it forever
mine is up :)
My honeypots up finally!
Can you tell something about what is Jedi?
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