Day 12 - Polar Bear Tracking
On Day 0 I mocked an email asking for an app to track polar bears in Norway using Google Maps. It's now their lucky day. They can watch these polar bears day and night on their Google Map while eating popcorn.
Sure enough, I really tracked down these polar bears. I tied GPS and radio collars around their heads. Then I setup a base camp retransmitter station in southern Norway and lo and behold, the polar bears are tracked. OK, so maybe I just web scraped a World Wildlife Foundation page. But that's sooooo not exciting.
Well, I apologize for my lack of "killer app" tonight. Let's call it an off night. It won't happen again. I also apologize for my PHP skills as this was the first time I've ever looked at, let alone written, PHP. But this goes to show, the Software Jedi is not constrained to certain technologies or platforms.
See the app here
Download the source here
Nice, that is funny
Hey, I only see two poor bears miles apart :(
On the other hand, I wish we could trade 'powers' - I could give you some of my PHP skills in return for Visual C# :)
only two polar bears in the pole? that's sad. and i concur with above... trade php for c#?? i'll throw in a few pretzels too...
Nice app!
As a Norwegian I just couldn't help commenting on the fact that there are no polar bears on mainland Norway. Svalbard however, which is a group of islands (far) north west of Norway, do have polar bears (and more than the two being located by this app, off course).
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