Day 8 - Jedi Console
It's a console window, Quake style. Ctrl-` (Crtl-~) hides and un hides it. It attempts to behave like DOS. Given more time I'd try to tap right into a console window, but it was tough.
It does command history, and has adjustable opacity using the command "jediopacity #" where # is a value between 35 and 100.
Download the app here
Download the source here
This is the first with a long issues list, because it wasn't easy to do at all... But I'll use it at work for sure. Consider it a prototype, like all the apps I write!
Occasional odd behavior overall
Ctrl-C/Ctrl-Break aren't passed through, so no breaking a program
Environment vars should be supported
Ability to flush the buffer to clear memory
Modded version (created by dharh):
clr screen now works
ls may use cygwin ls if it exists on the system
tabs are ignored
jediapocity gives usage message when not invoked correctly
jediapocity wont give command not found even when it works
I changed the front from bold to regular
not clear screen.
Me loves clear screen
can you develop a keylogger for visual studio or a application specific keylogger, so I can save all my coding to a file?
Well, The NAME ALONE justplain ROCKS!!!!! Keep it up dude!!! You can do it.
Hmmm...cls doesn't work and the jediopacity command doesn't seem to be working for me...other than that its great :-)
Dude, I have *always* wanted an app like this... Please develop this one more post-appinaday challenge :D
The closer to the ole Quake console it gets the better (while still maintaining the speed of this one)
Here's another idea: An app that is listening for some key combination and when it's pressed some (preselected) buttons dissapear from the taskbar and what is being displayed on the monitor sets itself as a wallpaper (like a screenshot) so you could be taking a break and when someone gets near you just press the shortcut and every app that shouldn't be open minimizes and disappears from the taskbar, and the screenshot stays as a wallpaper (because sometimes it's very suspicious when someone gets near and you quickly switch apps, it is very obvious that you were doing other stuff), with this app the screen wouldn't change and you could argue that it was the wallpaper and you weren't actually doing what the wallpaper shows.
I know it sounds strange, maybe even dumb, but it would be fun to use such a program.
More .NET crap.
"ls" = "dir"//damn linux fanboys lol
//keep up the good work! C# rocks
It doesn't run...
On application launch, I get:
"This application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application."
Really sucks; I was looking forward to it.
The keys to hide/show the console don't work. I have a german keyboard layout. When I switch to russian, the "show" shortcut is working, but "hide" still doesn't work.
Thats neat, although having to click on it to give it keyboard focus is kind of a bummer. (Not to mention the thing takes about 7x as much memory as a compiled win32 app.)
Keep up the good work though, its interesting to see these little apps and included source code is a plus.
Nifty looking thing. You might consider making this a PowerShell console, then you wouldn't have to duplicate functionality and it would be very powerful. Couple that with doing something like populating the namespace with the active window and other such contextual information, and you would have an awesome doohicky.
Dana, here's an app suggestion. Most of my programming is limited to creating scripts to solve mathematical problems, rather than actual computer programs, so I don't know how difficult this would be. (Although I have done some task automation scripting and file manipulation tools.) But I am definitely not a Jedi.
Anyways, here's what I was thinking: a web browser that is built into a website.
You could install this app on your web server at home. Then navigate to your home web server from a remote location. And within the website on your home server, there is a sub-window that is a mini-browser. At a minimum, it has an address bar and back/forward buttons.
It would be similar to a proxy, but without needing to reconfigure the machine you are using.
Sound interesting?
I love the copying and pasting ability in this app is is SO much better than cmd.
Does not allow me to use ftp.
When i attempt to ftp the app hangs after entering in the username. I never see the promtp for Password.
Is this a bug?
It would be great if this thing stole focus (so when you hit the key it was active)
Also if I am not mistaken, there is no Tab completion, this would be great :)
I know it's asking abunch but it'd be neat if it could have the some of the functionality of Colibri/Quicksilver and even appRocket (which has a nifty little directory browser)
I might rip the code open myself, as a distraction from the stuff I'm doing in XNA.
Ok, here's my suggestion for an application, we use subversion where I work to maintain our web-pages for several domains, so, for instance, i have a local directory called e:\workspace\portfolio\ which has it's equivilant at it would be neat if I could right click on any file within e:\workspace\portfolio (and it's subdirectories) and it would upload to the appropriate place (so if i'm a few directory levels in, it would replicate the folder path).
I see it as setting up a set of aliases, usernames, and passwords, and possibly a bit of gui to show the progress of the file. Being able to select multiple files, or directories themselves would be a bonus, and being able to set templates for files that should be ignored (like the .svn directories) would be a bonus again.
YEAH , I have wanted one of these since they came out for one for mac os
joe: that "program" already exists. I've seen a couple of them; one was called bitty browser, and you can find it at It's a very basic, no-frills web browser that can run imbedded in a web page; I used to have it in my home page.
dharh - is there any way to get a compiled version? Not all of us are C# programmers. Many thanks!
Link for JediConsole Modded
mirror -->
Thank you so much! I've been looking for something like linux's YaKuake, and this is the first I've found. Thanks very much man!
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